I mentioned before Christmas that I’d started running, using a pair of Vibram FiveFinger Sprint running shoes I’d had lying around for the last few years. The concept of these seems to agree with me really well, but there’s no getting around the fact that they were at least two sizes too big for me and a little short on grip for any excursions away from the tarmac. They’re also a touch chilly in the wet.
As a post-Christmas treat for my piggies, I therefore picked up a pair of Vibram KSO (‘keep stuff out’, apparently) Evos (as in, evolved from the previous version). These have a bit more grip on the sole plus a full upper body in a sort of wicking mesh fabric. They also fit (hurrah!).
If unboxing photos are your thing, here’s the box:
Here’s the handy guide under the box lid on how to get the KSOs onto your feet (it’s surprisingly tricky the first few times, honest):
Here’s the KSO Evos out of the box:
And, finally, here’s the paperwork and free stuff that Feetus threw in with the order:
If you’re wondering, the Brazilian flag thing is a buff (only not made by buff) – not a bad bonus at all.
Review to follow once I’ve spent a few months running around in the things. From the first few minutes (not that I’ve got them on as I sit here typing…); I am delighted to say they don’t have the stitched logo above the big toe that used to occasionally irritate the skin, and they’re pretty toasty.